Global Warming exposes a group of ARCE-HOLEs

Apr 2016

IISA uncovers a recently frozen Rebel Group called itself IMR (ICE MILE REBEL)

IISA Admin, 1 April 2016

In a recent frozen cyber attack on IISA. A group of ICE-RORISTs have raised their frozen head to rebel against Ice Swimming.

According to a source the group is a frozen cell within IISA and its members have been swimming in the Icy and frigid waters around the world in protest against Ice and cold water swimming. The frozen cell has even used the IISA (famous) logo and branding to gain recognition in the ICE world.

The group claims to have successfully managed to sabotage IISA attempts to include an Ice Mile in the Winter Olympic games. IISA spokes- person Mr ICE (who requested to remain anonymous due to thereat by IMR to freeze his private parts) has since stated that IISA has never had a desire to include an Ice Mile in the Winter Olympic games. It has however introduced 1km races that have been extremely successful over the past two years with events in more than 15 countries around the world.

The research on the 1km events have been very positive and Several ex Olympic swimmers and open water world champions have joined the Icy ranks of swimming competitions. IMR have claimed to have joint forces with Winter Swimming and promote it as a safer fun sport. IISA openly supports Winter Swimming all the way and offers its experience and support to Winter Swimming at all times.

IISA has called an urgent meeting in its secret location known as ICE-HOLE command centre to discuss the latest Cyber attacks on its constitutional right to freeze. The leader of IMR, is only know by his/her nick name Lonely Freezer. Swimming alone in the cold has been known to cause vision disorders and frequent Aurora visions (mostly in yellow).

The group has established its headquarter in a place called ARCE-HOLE. A recent source from the Arctic have confirmed that the ARCE is alone and lonely. ICIC, a well established rebel group in the frozen parts of Syria have been suspected in funding the IMR movement. The ICE-RORISTs group has declared that it will not rest or stop swimming in the ICE and cold water until it clearly proves that it is very dangerous and all its members have frozen forever.

IISA would like to reiterate to all its members, be careful, the ICE-RORISTs look just like us. They have spent years freezing people into the ICE swimming community as frozen cells. They wear our jackets, our logo and swim with us. They just would like all of us to stop swimming in the ICE so they can retire into the sunset. BE SAFE and see you in the ICE.

Keep it Frozen!


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